Revival Broke Out in Plano, Texas

What a powerful time we experienced during 3 Nights of Miracles! Revival broke out in Plano, Texas, and we are still praising God for manifesting his power and presence so mightily during these meetings. The atmosphere was charged with faith, and God confirmed his word with many signs, wonders, and miracles! Many were refreshed and encouraged and received their breakthroughs.
Healings and Breakthroughs
The miracles that took place during these meetings are truly inspiring. One woman suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and chest pain was completely healed during the second service. I can never forget her excitement. She jumped up and down and ran around the building, praising God.
Another woman who had broken her leg in four places began to raise her leg and march up and down, something she couldn’t do before.
Another woman took off her brace. She testified that she came expecting to receive a healing, and God did not disappoint her faith. She was in need of a hip replacement and a knee replacement due to a car accident and a fall on the job. But the healing power of God touched her body, and she marched up and down with joy.
Watch on Demand
If you were unable to attend these meetings or view them LIVE, we encourage you to watch them on demand. They are available on our website, app, and YouTube channel. We believe you will be doubtlessly blessed and encouraged by the worship and preaching and all the amazing miracles that took place.
Share Your Testimony
If you received a miracle during these meetings, whether by attending in person or participating online, please let us know. We want to celebrate what God has done in your life. Share your testimony by clicking the button below:
Healings and Breakthroughs
The miracles that took place during these meetings are truly inspiring. One woman suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and chest pain was completely healed during the second service. I can never forget her excitement. She jumped up and down and ran around the building, praising God.
Another woman who had broken her leg in four places began to raise her leg and march up and down, something she couldn’t do before.
Another woman took off her brace. She testified that she came expecting to receive a healing, and God did not disappoint her faith. She was in need of a hip replacement and a knee replacement due to a car accident and a fall on the job. But the healing power of God touched her body, and she marched up and down with joy.
Watch on Demand
If you were unable to attend these meetings or view them LIVE, we encourage you to watch them on demand. They are available on our website, app, and YouTube channel. We believe you will be doubtlessly blessed and encouraged by the worship and preaching and all the amazing miracles that took place.
Share Your Testimony
If you received a miracle during these meetings, whether by attending in person or participating online, please let us know. We want to celebrate what God has done in your life. Share your testimony by clicking the button below:
Special Thanks
We are so grateful to our partners whose prayers and support made these meetings possible. We were so excited and honored to meet many of you in person, to embrace you and talk with you face to face. We love you from the bottom of our hearts and constantly keep you in our prayers.
Looking Ahead
We want to take 3 Nights of Miracles around the states and around the world. Next year, we are considering holding these meetings in New York. The power of God is going to move again, and many are going to be blessed and receive their breakthroughs. But we’re not stopping there. We want to hear from you. Where should we hold the next 3 Nights of Miracles? Let us know your suggestions by clicking the button below!
We are so grateful to our partners whose prayers and support made these meetings possible. We were so excited and honored to meet many of you in person, to embrace you and talk with you face to face. We love you from the bottom of our hearts and constantly keep you in our prayers.
Looking Ahead
We want to take 3 Nights of Miracles around the states and around the world. Next year, we are considering holding these meetings in New York. The power of God is going to move again, and many are going to be blessed and receive their breakthroughs. But we’re not stopping there. We want to hear from you. Where should we hold the next 3 Nights of Miracles? Let us know your suggestions by clicking the button below!
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By Mail:
Sean Pinder Ministries
P.O. Box 2726
McKinney, TX 75070
God Bless,
Sean Pinder Ministries
P.O. Box 2726
McKinney, TX 75070
God Bless,

Pastors Sean and Aimee Pinder

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