Broken Knee Healed
Marie Ironstand's Testimony
May 3, 2022 • Marie Ironstand
Margaret's Miracle Testimony - Right Shoulder Injury Healed
Feb 22, 2019 • Pastor Sean Pinder, Margaret Swain
Joy's Miracle Testimony - Back Injury Healed
Feb 16, 2019 • Pastor Sean Pinder, Juanita Smith
Miracles in Uganda
Jun 3, 2014 • Pastor Sean Pinder
Share Your Testimony
If God has healed you through this ministry, please share your testimony by clicking the link below. Sharing your praise report glorifies God and strengthens the faith of those who are also believing God for a miracle.

Jean testified that she had forty percent hearing in her left ear because it had ruptured when she was only six months old. Thinking it to be cancerous, doctors removed her right eardrum due to several ruptures that caused infections. After Evangelist Sean prayed for her, God performed a miracle in both ears. She can now hear perfectly. - Versailles, Missouri

In 2003, Lois shattered her left knee. Doctors inserted a metal rod. In 2004, she received a knee replacement in her right knee because the cartilage had worn away. In 2011, Lois attended a 3 Nights of Miracles where she received prayer. Immediately, the pain left and she began bending her knees demonstrating her miracle. - McKinney, Texas

A woman’s ten fingers were paralyzed. She had feeling in the palms of her hand, but could not feel nor move her fingers. They were stiff and useless. After the Miracle Healing Crusade, they became useful again. They now move freely and she once again has the use of her hands. - Kargorogoro, Uganda
This dear lady had tumors in her stomach for many years. Before the service, she had pain in her stomach because of the tumors, but now she does not feel them anymore. Also, her legs had been in pain for 20 years. Now, she is healed and can move her legs freely with no pain. - Fort Portal, Uganda

Ten years ago, this man was in an accident that caused damage to his nerve in his left ear. The nerve damage caused him to become deaf in his one ear. On the second night of the Miracle Crusade in Angamaly, India, God touched his ear. His ear opened and he began to hear clearly. As a result, others came forward and their deaf ears opened also. - Angamaly, India
At the Uganda Miracle Crusade, this man was set free from demon possession. He responded to the altar call and gave his heart to the Lord. He had become so possessed that the demons drove him to leave his wife and his children. A new man has now gone back home, in his right mind, to his family. A family has been restored. - Kargorogoro, Uganda
15,000 and Counting
During over twenty years of evangelistic outreach, healing services, online and in-person meetings, and miracle crusades, Sean Pinder Ministries has recorded over 15,000 healings. The blind see, the deaf hear, the paralyzed walk, broken bones are mended, and lives are miraculously transformed.

One night during the India Miracle Service, Evangelist Sean preached about the woman with the issue of blood. Moved by his message, this dear lady came forward to receive prayer for she too suffered from an issue of blood for five years. After prayer, her faith had made her whole. The blood flow stopped. - Mala, India

This woman had a serious problem in her female organs for two years. During the service, she felt the power of God touch her and she felt healing go through her body. Not only were her female organs healed, but her ears were also healed from the loss of hearing in both ears. She had been unable to hear well for ten years, but she demonstrated that she can now hear perfectly, thanks to God’s awesome miracle-working power. - Kasese, Uganda
A couple brought their daughter to the miracle service with them. The little girl had been in an accident which caused her hand to be swollen for an entire year. The swelling had caused constant pain. Evangelist Sean placed his hands gently on her arm and prayed for this precious girl. She testified that all the pain in her hand had disappeared. - Mala, India
This kind-hearted lady had been deaf in both ears for 30 years. She had not been hearing well, and could only hear someone if they were bending close to her ear when they spoke. When Pastor Sean rebuked the power of sickness, she felt something tear from her ears. Now she can hear perfectly, totally healed by the power of God. - Fort Portal, Uganda

Two sisters, Joanie and Stacie, both had lumps in their breasts. Joanie had one major lump that had doubled in size in the last month. After prayer, both ladies went to the rest room to verify their healing. They hurried back and testified with great joy that all the lumps had disappeared. - Versailles, Missouri

Evangelist Sean told the people that the Spirit of God wanted to forgive their sins and break their bondage. He called the people to come and kneel at the altar, and many came forward. The people began to pray and cry out to God and they were washed by the precious blood of Jesus. - Kargorogoro, Uganda

Jack suffered back pains for thirty years. Full of faith, he believed God for his miracle. After the prayer of faith Jack bent over, showing that he no longer felt any pain. He was overwhelmed with gratitude for his healing. - Versailles, Missouri

In Angamaly, a man had a hole in his right ear since birth. After seeing other people healed from various ailments including deafness, he came forward for prayer expecting to receive a miracle from God. Evangelist Sean commanded his deaf ear to open and now he can hear. - Angamaly, India
Another woman suffered twenty years from asthma. She could not take deep breaths to fill her lungs with air. God gave Pastor Sean a word of knowledge that someone was being healed of asthma. Now this woman can breathe deep, long breaths to the glory of God. - Kargorogoro, Uganda

Share Your Testimony
If God has healed you through this ministry, please share your testimony by clicking the link below. Sharing your praise report glorifies God and strengthens the faith of those who are also believing God for a miracle.