Expect a Miracle

Our hearts are overflowing with joy at the amazing ways God is working in our lives and ministry right now. This past Saturday was truly miraculous - we had the incredible opportunity of sharing God's word via Skype with Abundant Life Ministries of Pakistan led by Pastor Rizwan Fazal. The Lord's presence was so powerful! Over 20,000 people gathered to hear His Word, and 300 amazing healings took place.

One woman came with a paralyzed hand. She could not move her hand, but God healed her. Now she can open and close her hand. Her two sons were in the hospital, and she came to the meeting, believing that her sons would be healed. She called the hospital to check on her sons, and she received a report that her sons were normal. We serve a good God! He is a miracle-worker, and he is also a savior! Most wonderfully, 972 people surrendered their lives to Christ!

We're in awe of God’s goodness and so thankful for you and the part you play in this ministry. Your loving support makes moments like these possible, allowing us to spread the hope and light of God's Word. May God bless you exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you can ask or think in return (Ephesians 3:20).


Expect a Miracle! That is the word God gave me to preach to the Pakistani congregation. And that is the word God wants me to share with you today. Expect a miracle. It does not matter how hopeless your situation may seem. Refuse to take “no” for an answer. Be aggressive in your faith like the four friends of the paralyzed man. God cannot ignore your faith.

These men were so determined to see their friend healed, they climbed up on the roof and tore it open. That is what I’m talking about. They simply refused to give up. The crowd was so thick around the house where Jesus was preaching, they couldn’t get to the door. So, they tried the windows, but they couldn’t get to the windows. Finally, they looked up and noticed the roof. When everything around you looks hopeless, look up. “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord…” (Psalm 121:1-2 KJV).

These men climbed up on the roof and tore it open. They broke it up. What is standing in between you and your miracle? What is standing between you and Jesus? Is it doubt? Is it fear? I dare you to pick up your Holy Ghost hammer and break that thing up. Do whatever it takes to get in the presence of Jesus because miracles happen in his presence. Breakthroughs happen in his presence. The impossible becomes possible.

So, the four friends tore the roof open and lowered the paralyzed man in the presence of Jesus. And the Bible says, “When Jesus saw their faith…” (Mark 2:5). Faith is something you can see. It is action. Remember, faith without works is dead (James 2:26). Jesus saw these guys’ faith, and it got his attention. In response, he told the paralyzed man to rise up and take up his bed and walk. “And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion” (Mark 2:12).


Why did these men have to break the roof open? Why did they even have to come to the house where Jesus was preaching? Why didn’t God just heal the man right at his home? We don’t really know, but we do know that God heals people in many different ways, so don’t limit him. God wants us to trust him, not merely his method of moving.

The woman with the issue of blood had to take a step of faith to receive her miracle. She had to press through the crowd and grab a hold of Jesus’ garment, and in one moment, twelve years of struggle came to an immediate end.

Naaman the leper traveled all the way from his home in Syria to the prophet, Elisha, in Israel. Leprosy was an incurable disease at the time, and Naaman almost missed his miracle because he thought he would be healed a certain way. But he obeyed the prophet’s instructions, and his leprosy was completely cured.

Obedience matters. Location matters. Faith matters. We don’t always understand why God requires certain things of us, but he doesn’t ask us to figure everything out. He just wants us to trust and obey. That is faith, and we walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).


Are you believing God for a healing in your body? Maybe you’re seeking a touch from God. We invite you to join us for 3 Nights of Miracles at the Plano Event Center in Plano, TX this August 13-15! Whether you're in need of healing, breakthrough, or a deeper connection with God, these nights will be filled with His power and love. Like the four friends of the paralyzed man, come with expectation. God will not disappoint your faith. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the extraordinary! Admission is FREE! Register today:
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Sean Pinder Ministries
P.O. Box 2726
McKinney, TX 75070
God Bless,
Pastors Sean and Aimee Pinder

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