You Are Next in Line For a Miracle

There are some blessings God has reserved especially for you. It has your name on it, and nobody else can have it because it belongs to you. And despite others having more qualifications or experience, the Lord will make sure that you get the promotion, position, or breakthrough because you are connected to his plan. And there are twists and turns in his plan that do not make sense because he has a divine purpose, and he will see to it that it is accomplished.
Most of us love the book of Ruth, a story about a Moabite woman who left her country and people to take care of her mother-in-law, Naomi, who returned to Israel after her husband and sons had died. Ruth was willing to forsake the false gods of Moab for true faith in the God of Israel, and she was good to Naomi, working hard to provide for them. Because they were poor, she gleaned the leftover grain from wealthy harvesters, as was the custom. Boaz was one of these harvesters, and he was immediately attracted to this kind and selfless woman.
The two soon fell in love, and Boaz wanted to marry Ruth, but there was a problem. Boaz was one of Ruth’s kinsman redeemers, but there was an even closer kinsman than he, and according to their custom, the closer redeemer had the right to marry Ruth.
So, Boaz went to the town gate to meet with the man. He couldn’t rest until he settled the matter. Calling ten of the town leaders, Boaz told the closer kinsman about Ruth and the land of her deceased husband. “If you want the land, then buy it here in the presence of these witnesses. But if you don’t want it, let me know right away because I am next in line to redeem it after you” (Ruth 4:4 NLT). The man thought this was a good offer. “I’ll redeem it,” he said.
Boaz did not want to hear this news, but he was a master negotiator. “If you buy the land,” Boaz replied, “you will have to marry Ruth, so her descendants can carry on her husband’s name and keep the land in her family.” The family redeemer suddenly changed his mind. “I can’t redeem the land,” he said. I’m sure Boaz wanted to shout, but he had to keep himself together. “This might endanger my own estate. You redeem the land; I cannot do it” (Ruth 4:6).
So, Boaz married Ruth, and they had a son who they named Obed. Obed was the father of Jesse, the father of David, and ultimately, Jesus would descend from David’s lineage. Isn’t that amazing? Boaz and Ruth’s marriage was directly connected to the coming of Christ.
This is why the other redeemer could not marry Ruth. He had the first right, but he was not connected to God’s plan. But Boaz was next in line, and because he and Ruth were in the center of God’s will, the Lord blessed them. That is the only reason their story is included in the Bible – because of their connection to the Messiah. If you are not obeying God’s will for your life, you cannot expect to meet your Boaz or Ruth.
But when God’s will is your top priority, he will give you the right connections. He will remove certain people from around you and bring new people into your life. He will order your steps and cause all things to work together for your good (Psalm 37:23, Romans 8:28).
Don’t you just love God? Ruth was a poor widow who had lost everything, but God honored her faith in him and her kindness to her mother-in-law and restored her. Boaz did not have the first right to marry Ruth. But because of his connection to God’s plan, the Lord worked everything out and brought him and Ruth together.
I want to encourage someone who is believing God for a miracle. You may not have the qualifications, education, or experience, but you serve a God who specializes in the impossible. Nothing is too hard for him.
Remember Joseph? He was a prisoner, but Pharaoh made him the prime minister of Egypt. Why? Joseph preserved many lives during the most severe famine of their time, including Judah, an ancestor of the Messiah.
Trust God’s plan. He has favored you for a reason, and he is about give you a breakthrough you do not qualify for because he has a purpose for your life. This is your time for a breakthrough! You are next in line for a miracle!
God has great plans for your life, and He is giving you a testimony that will open prison doors and set captives free. We want to encourage you to share your testimony of God’s faithfulness with those you meet. You are planted where you are for such a time as this, to speak into the lives of those around you in a profound way! Have you ever considered that?
We too are called. Our reach may extend further than one community, but it starts right here in McKinney, TX, where we’re planting Miracle Healing Center. Let’s join in faith, praying and believing that God will reach both our community and yours with the message of the gospel and Holy Spirit power to change lives for eternity.
We see in the story of Ruth that God fulfills His long-term goals, networking people together to accomplish His mission. We believe our partnership is part of that grand scheme to populate heaven with souls from both your community and ours! Pray for us today, and we too will be praying for you.
If you’d like to sow a seed to help us saturate the McKinney, TX, community with invitations to attend Miracle Healing Center and help us prepare for our launch service in May, let us thank you in advance. Your giving is not wasted. It accomplishes great things for the Kingdom! Please click the button below to give or visit the platform of your choice:
Most of us love the book of Ruth, a story about a Moabite woman who left her country and people to take care of her mother-in-law, Naomi, who returned to Israel after her husband and sons had died. Ruth was willing to forsake the false gods of Moab for true faith in the God of Israel, and she was good to Naomi, working hard to provide for them. Because they were poor, she gleaned the leftover grain from wealthy harvesters, as was the custom. Boaz was one of these harvesters, and he was immediately attracted to this kind and selfless woman.
The two soon fell in love, and Boaz wanted to marry Ruth, but there was a problem. Boaz was one of Ruth’s kinsman redeemers, but there was an even closer kinsman than he, and according to their custom, the closer redeemer had the right to marry Ruth.
So, Boaz went to the town gate to meet with the man. He couldn’t rest until he settled the matter. Calling ten of the town leaders, Boaz told the closer kinsman about Ruth and the land of her deceased husband. “If you want the land, then buy it here in the presence of these witnesses. But if you don’t want it, let me know right away because I am next in line to redeem it after you” (Ruth 4:4 NLT). The man thought this was a good offer. “I’ll redeem it,” he said.
Boaz did not want to hear this news, but he was a master negotiator. “If you buy the land,” Boaz replied, “you will have to marry Ruth, so her descendants can carry on her husband’s name and keep the land in her family.” The family redeemer suddenly changed his mind. “I can’t redeem the land,” he said. I’m sure Boaz wanted to shout, but he had to keep himself together. “This might endanger my own estate. You redeem the land; I cannot do it” (Ruth 4:6).
So, Boaz married Ruth, and they had a son who they named Obed. Obed was the father of Jesse, the father of David, and ultimately, Jesus would descend from David’s lineage. Isn’t that amazing? Boaz and Ruth’s marriage was directly connected to the coming of Christ.
This is why the other redeemer could not marry Ruth. He had the first right, but he was not connected to God’s plan. But Boaz was next in line, and because he and Ruth were in the center of God’s will, the Lord blessed them. That is the only reason their story is included in the Bible – because of their connection to the Messiah. If you are not obeying God’s will for your life, you cannot expect to meet your Boaz or Ruth.
But when God’s will is your top priority, he will give you the right connections. He will remove certain people from around you and bring new people into your life. He will order your steps and cause all things to work together for your good (Psalm 37:23, Romans 8:28).
Don’t you just love God? Ruth was a poor widow who had lost everything, but God honored her faith in him and her kindness to her mother-in-law and restored her. Boaz did not have the first right to marry Ruth. But because of his connection to God’s plan, the Lord worked everything out and brought him and Ruth together.
I want to encourage someone who is believing God for a miracle. You may not have the qualifications, education, or experience, but you serve a God who specializes in the impossible. Nothing is too hard for him.
Remember Joseph? He was a prisoner, but Pharaoh made him the prime minister of Egypt. Why? Joseph preserved many lives during the most severe famine of their time, including Judah, an ancestor of the Messiah.
Trust God’s plan. He has favored you for a reason, and he is about give you a breakthrough you do not qualify for because he has a purpose for your life. This is your time for a breakthrough! You are next in line for a miracle!
God has great plans for your life, and He is giving you a testimony that will open prison doors and set captives free. We want to encourage you to share your testimony of God’s faithfulness with those you meet. You are planted where you are for such a time as this, to speak into the lives of those around you in a profound way! Have you ever considered that?
We too are called. Our reach may extend further than one community, but it starts right here in McKinney, TX, where we’re planting Miracle Healing Center. Let’s join in faith, praying and believing that God will reach both our community and yours with the message of the gospel and Holy Spirit power to change lives for eternity.
We see in the story of Ruth that God fulfills His long-term goals, networking people together to accomplish His mission. We believe our partnership is part of that grand scheme to populate heaven with souls from both your community and ours! Pray for us today, and we too will be praying for you.
If you’d like to sow a seed to help us saturate the McKinney, TX, community with invitations to attend Miracle Healing Center and help us prepare for our launch service in May, let us thank you in advance. Your giving is not wasted. It accomplishes great things for the Kingdom! Please click the button below to give or visit the platform of your choice:
Or mail your donation to:
Sean Pinder Ministries
P.O. Box 2726
McKinney, TX 75070
God Bless,
Sean Pinder Ministries
P.O. Box 2726
McKinney, TX 75070
God Bless,

Pastors Sean & Aimee Pinder

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