Get to the Spot

We don’t always know why, but being in the right place at the right time matters. What if Elijah never left the Cherith brook when it dried up? God told him to go to Zarephath, where a widow woman would provide for him, but why couldn’t the ravens continue to feed him where he was at? We don’t really know, but he probably would have died in that famine. Perhaps his miracle of provision was bigger than himself because God used him to deliver a word to that widow that sustained her during that crisis.

What if Naaman the leper never left Syria to visit the prophet Elisha in Israel? What if the woman with the issue of blood never took a step of faith and remained at her home? Couldn’t God heal her at her home? After all, she could have been stoned for being among a crowd because she was considered unclean. But that woman was aggressive. She refused to die in her condition, and she pressed her way through the crowd and got her healing.


Sometimes, we have to intentionally position ourselves to receive our breakthrough. Faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Where is God leading you? Take a step of faith like the four lepers in 2 Kings 7. “Why sit we here and die?” they asked each other. And when they acted on their faith, the host of heaven backed them up. God cannot ignore faith.

In Matthew 15, Jesus went to the top of a mountain, “and great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus' feet; and he healed them” (Matthew 15:30 KJV). Didn’t Jesus know how difficult it was for these people to carry their sick loved ones to the top of a mountain? Why did he do that? It almost seemed irrational and uncompassionate, but Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit. And sometimes God tests us to see how hungry we are for a miracle.

Sometimes, God wants us to get out of our comfort zone, to get away from the distractions of our surroundings and get in an atmosphere of faith. These people who came to Jesus in Matthew 15 were willing to climb a mountain if that is what it took to get their answer.


Not every mountain you speak to is going to move out of your way. Jesus didn’t move the mountain in Matthew 15. Some of you have been speaking to certain mountains in your life, and even though you’re confessing all the right things, that mountain isn’t budging. That is because you are going to have to climb some mountains. Why?

Maybe God is trying to get you out of the valley. Perhaps this mountain is designed to get you to tread on new heights (Habakuk 3:19). You may have to climb some mountains, but as long as Jesus is at the top, it will be worth it because where Jesus is that is where your miracle is. That is where your breakthrough is. That is where your turnaround is. I dare you to climb your mountain. Are you crazy enough to believe that if God spoke it, he will make it good? If he said it, he will bring it to pass! Say, “I’m coming, Jesus! I’m coming!”


Revival is about to break out in Plano, TX, and we would love for you to be a part. God has strongly placed it on my heart to host 3 Nights of Miracles and be a blessing to his people, to preach the word and encourage your faith, to come into agreement with you in prayer, and to expect God to work on your behalf. If you haven’t registered yet, we encourage you to secure your spot today. Register for FREE at:
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Sean Pinder Ministries
P.O. Box 2726
McKinney, TX 75070

God Bless,
Pastors Sean and Aimee Pinder

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