Don't Miss Your Moment

Some moments only happen once in a lifetime. When Jesus went to the disciples in a storm, walking on the water, Peter called out to him. “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water” (Matthew 14:28). I love Peter. He had crazy faith. “Come!” Jesus said. The other disciples had the same opportunity as Peter, but only Peter jumped out of the boat. Why? Peter recognized he was in a divine visitation.
He realized he was in a moment that might never come again, and he seized the opportunity. When he stepped out in faith, he stepped into a new level of revelation and dominion. He, too, began to walk on top of his storm.
Fight For It
Jacob experienced a divine visitation in Genesis 32 when Jesus appeared to him as he was about to face his brother, Esau. Jacob told the Lord, “I will not let you go unless you bless me,” and he wrestled with the angel all night until he got his blessing.
“Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel,” the Lord finally told him. The name Jacob means deceiver. The name Israel means prince with God “for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed” (Genesis 32:28 NKJV). Jacob was determined to receive a touch from heaven, and he got exactly what he was willing to fight for. His faith was rewarded, and his life was forever changed.
You cannot have an encounter with God and not change. Either you will change for the better or the worse, but you will never be the same.
Danger of Indifference
When Jesus wept for Jerusalem after his triumphant entry, he predicted its fall, saying its enemies would level it to the ground “because you did not recognize it when God visited you” (Luke 19:44 NLT). The same people who had witnessed all the amazing miracles Jesus performed would soon persuade Pilate to crucify him.
These people were in a supernatural move of God and refused to recognize it, and because of their spiritual indifference, they eventually suffered divine judgment. The King of kings and Lord of lords, God himself was in their midst, and they rejected him.
Spiritual Hunger
But not everyone was ignorant. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to two disciples on the Road to Emmaus. When he began to open the Scriptures to them, they knew they were in a divine visitation. As they approached their destination, Jesus acted like he would go on, but they constrained him.
Why did Jesus indicate he would journey on? He wanted to know how hungry these disciples were. That is why he wrestled Jacob. He wanted to know how desperate Jacob was for a breakthrough. And these disciples, like Jacob, refused to let Jesus pass them by.
Persistence Pays Off
These disciples were aggressive, like Bartimaeus. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing his way, he began to cry out. “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” The crowd around him told him to be quiet, but Bartimaeus refused to take “no” for an answer. He was blind, and he was desperate for a miracle. He realized he had a moment he may never have again, and he cried out all the more. “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
His cry got Jesus’ attention. “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. “Lord, I want to see!” “Go your way,” Jesus told him. “Your faith has made you whole.”
3 Nights of Miracles
3 Nights of Miracles is happening next week, and we are so excited about what God will do in response to the faith of those gathered at the Plano Event Center for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Whatever you need from God, get ready to receive because miracles happen wherever God shows up.
If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time! Visit to secure your spot for FREE. We can’t wait to embrace you and join our faith with you as we expect God to do the impossible!
He realized he was in a moment that might never come again, and he seized the opportunity. When he stepped out in faith, he stepped into a new level of revelation and dominion. He, too, began to walk on top of his storm.
Fight For It
Jacob experienced a divine visitation in Genesis 32 when Jesus appeared to him as he was about to face his brother, Esau. Jacob told the Lord, “I will not let you go unless you bless me,” and he wrestled with the angel all night until he got his blessing.
“Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel,” the Lord finally told him. The name Jacob means deceiver. The name Israel means prince with God “for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed” (Genesis 32:28 NKJV). Jacob was determined to receive a touch from heaven, and he got exactly what he was willing to fight for. His faith was rewarded, and his life was forever changed.
You cannot have an encounter with God and not change. Either you will change for the better or the worse, but you will never be the same.
Danger of Indifference
When Jesus wept for Jerusalem after his triumphant entry, he predicted its fall, saying its enemies would level it to the ground “because you did not recognize it when God visited you” (Luke 19:44 NLT). The same people who had witnessed all the amazing miracles Jesus performed would soon persuade Pilate to crucify him.
These people were in a supernatural move of God and refused to recognize it, and because of their spiritual indifference, they eventually suffered divine judgment. The King of kings and Lord of lords, God himself was in their midst, and they rejected him.
Spiritual Hunger
But not everyone was ignorant. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to two disciples on the Road to Emmaus. When he began to open the Scriptures to them, they knew they were in a divine visitation. As they approached their destination, Jesus acted like he would go on, but they constrained him.
Why did Jesus indicate he would journey on? He wanted to know how hungry these disciples were. That is why he wrestled Jacob. He wanted to know how desperate Jacob was for a breakthrough. And these disciples, like Jacob, refused to let Jesus pass them by.
Persistence Pays Off
These disciples were aggressive, like Bartimaeus. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing his way, he began to cry out. “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” The crowd around him told him to be quiet, but Bartimaeus refused to take “no” for an answer. He was blind, and he was desperate for a miracle. He realized he had a moment he may never have again, and he cried out all the more. “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
His cry got Jesus’ attention. “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. “Lord, I want to see!” “Go your way,” Jesus told him. “Your faith has made you whole.”
3 Nights of Miracles
3 Nights of Miracles is happening next week, and we are so excited about what God will do in response to the faith of those gathered at the Plano Event Center for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Whatever you need from God, get ready to receive because miracles happen wherever God shows up.
If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time! Visit to secure your spot for FREE. We can’t wait to embrace you and join our faith with you as we expect God to do the impossible!
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Sean Pinder Ministries
P.O. Box 2726
McKinney, TX 75070
God Bless,
Sean Pinder Ministries
P.O. Box 2726
McKinney, TX 75070
God Bless,

Pastors Sean and Aimee Pinder

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